Simple Tricks To Using Your Iphone

Understanding how to integrate social media accounts using your iphone is actually very easy. However, some people are unaware of how they can do that. Don’t worry; if you do not know how to get social media on your phone, or any number of other things, this article can help you.

When you have an iphone, you do not need to worry anymore about getting lost. You will be able to see your location with the map feature anytime you are in a service area. The iPhone’s mapping abilities make it easy to track down a new destination or find your way back to familiar ground.

Check for updates for your iphone frequently. This ensures that you get the latest software and updates available for your phone. It also makes you put information and pictures into storage so that when something should happen with your iphone, you have not lost everything.

Take a picture using the volume and headphones. Press the button on the cord when you are ready. When doing this, make sure you hold the iphone steady so your shot remains clear and focused.

If you are online with your phone, you don’t have to type “.com” to end the URLs. Just enter the main phrase in the URL, and Safari will put you at the right place. This will end up saving you a ton of time.

It is now possible for Siri to let your program a location-based reminder. You can tell Siri to remind you to do something at a specific time. You can also tell Siri to remind you to do something when you reach a certain location like home. The phone will automatically know you are at the destination and give you the reminder. Setting reminders has never been easier.

A protective screen is a useful investment for your iphone. Your phone will surely fall victim to nicks and scratches if you have not purchased a screen protector for it. Even dirt on your fingers may cause scratches. So take the precautionary step and add on that screen protection.

After you link all the social media accounts on your phone, you will feel more connected to everyone on different social media sites. Your iphone should make it easier for you to stay in touch with friends and family. Due to how useful connecting these two features has been proven to be, almost everyone wants to get their hands on an iphone.

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